Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

I hope that everyone is alright after the recent storm-Hurricane Sandy. I know there was a significant amount of damage to Long Island towns and communities. I hope everyone is safe and well.

As for me, I am fine-lost power for 2 whole weeks but otherwise my family and I are totally safe and sound.

If anyone would like to help out in the relief effort after the storm, I know that there are a lot of great organizations out there that are looking for volunteers and donations. It can also never hurt to donate to your local food pantry or write a letter of thanks to all of the public service workers, police officers and fire department workers for all of their hard work before, during and after the storm.

It is important to move forward with optimism, confidence, and hope during these troubled times. We need to stay strong. We are Girl Scouts-and together, we can accomplish anything and can overcome any obstacle.

Good Girl Scout Troop project-help out with the rebuilding after the storm! Donate old clothes, supplies, non-perishable food and other useful items to the less fortunate. Help wherever you can. I am confident that all of you Girl Scouts out there will be giving your all and doing your best to help the places affected by Hurricane Sandy recover in the coming weeks.

Stay safe. Have faith. God Bless.
~Gold Girl Allie

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