Saturday, June 13, 2015

Transgender Inclusivity in Girl Scouting

Hey everyone!
Check out this awesome post by A Mighty Girl on Facebook!

Here's the link:

This post speaks all about how wonderfully inclusive our organization is!
Transgender rights have become an extremely prevalent topic in the media, in America, and around the world. A large amount of people and organizations have been supportive and positive regarding the transgender community, and Girl Scouts is one such org!

The Girl Scouts of America organization has been inclusive and welcoming to "girls of all kinds for years, including transgender girls." When Girl Scouts' stance on allowing Transgender girls to participate in the organization was called into question, GS reaffirmed its stance.

According to the FB post,  the Chief Girl Expert for Girl Scouts USA-Andrea Bastiani Archibald- stated, “Luckily, we don’t serve our critics. We are proud to serve all girls.”

 “We are proud to serve all girls

Andrea Bastiani Archibald, Chief Girl Expert for Girl Scouts USA

I was browsing the GS website earlier in search of the organization's official position/statement regarding this topic, and have posted it right below:

Q: What is Girl Scouts' position on serving transgender youth?
A: Girl Scouts is proud to be the premiere leadership organization for girls in the country. Placement of transgender youth is handled on a case-by-case basis, with the welfare and best interests of the child and the members of the troop/group in question a top priority. That said, if the child is recognized by the family and school/community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl, then Girl Scouts is an organization that can serve her in a setting that is both emotionally and physically safe. (info from:

Go Girl Scouts! I am so incredibly proud of our organization's inclusivity and welcoming environment! All girls should have the opportunity to connect to Girl Scout resources, participate in Girl Scouting events, serve their communities, develop their characters and skills, make like-minded friends, and be who they are unapologetically.

"Transphobia, the Girl Scouts know, is simply a form of sexism...

the Girl Scouts will continue to do what it has done for over 100 years: motivate young girls to become strong and confident, and teach them leadership skills to create a better America.” ~Dr. Marcie Bianco<>

A Mighty Girl's post also includes links to books and valuable resources about The Transgender Community, Girl Scouting History (I prefer the term HERstory :)) , and other books that can introduce young women and younger girls to the concepts discussed in this Blog post.

Laverne Cox is an American actress, reality television star, television producer, and LGBT advocate who speaks out for Transgender people and Trans issues, and has recently gotten the #TransIsBeautiful trending across social media. For more information about this amazing woman and her campaign for inclusivity and equality, check out: or

For Support and Resources for People Who are Transgender or Gender Expansive and Their Loved Ones, check out: 
Hope you all remember that you are beautiful! 

Until Next Time!
~Gold Girl Allie