Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Summer Fun Troop Ideas!

Hey to all my lovely readers! Sorry it's been a while! 

I am now on summer break from college for the next few months! It has been an amazing year filled with new experiences and lots of learning, but it's great to be able to take a break!

I'll be returning to college on June 1st to work as an Orientation Leader for a few months-I'm super excited and honored to be working with the 2014 orientation staff, and I can't wait to get started!

Before I go off to pack for my next college adventure, I wanted to share some ideas for summer troop meetings! Typically, most troops don't meet during the summer months. However, there are so many opportunities for fun! 

Plan a "Backyard Beach Getaway" with your troop this summer!

Who ever said you need a beach to have a beach party!? Set up lawn chairs, a volleyball net, a small inflatable pool, beach umbrellas, tiki torches etc. Make the backyard as beachy as possible! Have a barbecue, make Popsicles and make a beachy craft!
For fun beach craft ideas, check out:

Plan a Beach Day! 
If you actually do live near the beach...

Spend time making matching t-shirts in Girl Scout colors and then wear them to the beach!

Have everyone prepare a fun beach snack to pack in the cooler! For some ideas, check out this link:
Make cute flip-flip cracker snacks like these! For recipe, click here: 

You can never go wrong with a colorful fruit salad! Pic from:

For instructions on how to make Fruit Salad, play the video:

Cupcakes are also a crowd pleaser at the beach or at beach parties! Check out the instructions for these adorable treats

Plan out special Beach games! Horseshoes, Pro Kadima, Boccie Ball, volleyball, Frisbee-there are tons of fun, portable beach games available for your trip!

Paint Sea Shells!
This is one of my favorite summer activities-it's also a great gift-idea. Spend a couple of minutes collecting big clam shells on the beach and in the waves with a bucket. Wash them off (or, if you have more time, bleach the shells for a few hours-note: this requires an adults help/permission!!), and draw a design or picture on the shell's surface with a pencil or marker. Get some cheap acrylic craft paint and paint over your design for a cool beachy craft!
Additionally, if your family owns a small drill, you can put a hole at the top of the shell and string through ribbon to make it an ornament (This activity also requires the help of an adult).
Image from:

Volunteer at your local Park/Preserve!

Take advantage of the nice weather and spend a day doing some community service. Clean up the trails, plant dune grass, or help to re-paint trail markers. During my Spring Break I went with my college to Virginia Beach to help out at one of the National Parks. It was an amazing experience, and they needed were very grateful for all of our help and community service. Call up your local Parks and Rec department and see if they can use any Girl Scout help!
My Volunteer Group working in a National Park in Virginia Beach 
Hope you guys like the ideas and have an amazing summer! It looks like it's gonna be a good one :D


Gold Girl Allie

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you for continuing the information on Girl Scouts. So much information for NEW and established leaders that is tremendous. Keep up the good work.
