Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Street Fair Year 2! Operation: Face Painting!

Last weekend I was asked to volunteer and face paint at my local street fair! Despite the rainy weather, I grabbed my standard-issue GSA vest and set off for my next Girl Scout adventure!

If you've been following my Blog, you may recall that I presented my project and GSA info at the street fair last year! Community functions are great places to display GSA projects, hand out fliers, and spread the word about an issue you are trying to address.

At the fair, another Scout and I set up a small table and some neon signs advertising our face-painting booth.

For those of you working on your Gold Award or any other project, here's anothser useful tip-people love free stuff! (and food, but we'll talk about that bit later). 

Whenever we drew a heart on a kid's hand or a spiderman mask on a face, the parents would offer to pay us-they were all impressed when we told them that we were painting for fun! After word spread of our free face-painting, more and more kids came to us for our painting services! :)

Everyone was interested to hear about how we were Girl Scouts. The face-painting was a great way to promote Scouting and show how cool we are!

Next time you go to a community event to show off a project or set up a booth or something, consider bringing along a set of face-paint or a small craft. Kids love to get involved-especially if you find a way to make an educational experience fun! For example, if you are trying to teach people about the dangers of pollution in the ocean, enlist an artistic friend's help and have her paint sea creatures on people's hands while you explain how plastic bags destroy the ecosystem of Fiji or something of the like!
There are tons of ways to get people interested in your cause, you just have to remember to think outside of the box!

All in all, it was a truly successful (and fun-filled!) day. :)

Before I sign off, I'd like to give all of you a quote to think about from one of my favorite authors:

“Not knowing you can't do something, is sometimes all it takes to do it.” ~Ally Carter

An example of my painting expertise haha. From top to bottom-sunshine, heart, peace sign, and butterfly. :) 
~ Gold Girl Allie

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