Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Project Beautiful

This past year at Ithaca College, I got involved with an awesome organization, The National Residence Hall Honorary!

In this organization, our members worked on leadership, scholarship, and community service projects. One of our favorite service projects to participate in is called "Operation Beautiful."

Operation Beautiful is a beautifucation and body positivity project in which people stick motivational post-it notes up wherever they go!

This project began with a young woman named Caitlin, who started posting motivational post-it notes in public restroom mirrors a few years ago in order to combat "negative self-talk." She kept posting anonymous messages of positivity wherever she went-whether it was in the mirror of a gym bathroom, or somewhere at work.

She launched an official Operation Beautiful blog in 2009 to share other people's experiences with the positive-post-it trend. On the Blog, she has posted a mission statement-siting that her goal is to end "negative self-talk," and to help people realize "how truly toxic negative self-talk is-it hurts you emotionally, spiritually, and physically."(To read the official statement on her page, click HERE).

Have the girls in your troop start an Operation Beautiful project at their school or locally!

Have each girl bring post-it notes of all colors, shapes and varieties to a troop meeting!

Brainstorm some positive message ideas-they can be anything from simple, uplifting statements, to inspirational quotes.

Positive Message/Words of Encouragment Suggestions:

  • You Rock!
  • You are beautiful :)
  • Have an awesome day!
  • You are awesome
  • Hope your day is wonderful

Make a goal-write a number goal of post-its and a timeline. For example, a girl can make it a goal to write and post 10 positive post-its a day, or 100 in a week!

Post them in one central place or all around town!

If you'd like to be particularly fancy, your troop can decide to put some cookie money towards getting personalized troop post-its!

My club at school used post-it notes with our NRHH logo on it to do this project. It was cool to establish a presence and a positive identity within the campus community, but anonymous notes are just as effective (and can also be doodled on!)!

Click THIS LINK for a site you can check-out if you're interested in printing your own Post-its! There are a ton of other simiar sites that you can google as well! I checked out this site a bit and it seems easy to upload art or add words/logos to the post-its before getting them printed. This is a fun idea if you have Scouts who are interested in graphic design, art, advertising or typography.

Goodluck and spread the positivity!

Much Love,

GoldGirl Allie

1 comment:

  1. What an excellent idea for a project both in and out of Scouting.....So impressed you continue to share ideas long after you completed your project. Truly inspirational!
